Understanding the implication of genotype x environment interaction (GEI) structure is an important consideration in plant breeding programs. A significant GE interaction for a quantitative trait such as yield can seriously limit efforts in selecting superior genotypes for both new crop introduction and cultivar improving. In order to, select the best lines in Egyptian cotton breeding programme two trials must be done, the first one is preliminary trial (HA) which has sown in one location and the second one is the advanced trial or regional trial (HB) sown in the production area of Egyptian extra-long staple cotton varieties. The experimental design for the two trials was a randomized complete block design with six replications in each location and each entry was grown in plot of five rows. Forty two cotton genotypes showed highly significant differences in trial A. twenty four selected genotypes from trial A was evaluated in the regional trial (HB) and the combined analysis of variance showed highly significant differences for the genotypes, environments and G x E interaction indicating the possibility to select the most stable genotypes in trial HB across five locations. two genotypes No. 11 and 18 are stable for the three studied traits and No. 14 for seed cotton yield and lint yield are good adapted for the most important cotton production locations for extra-long staple cotton varieties using Eberhart and Russell model. The results of AMMI analysis indicated that the first two AMMI (IPCA1 and IPCA2) were highly significant. The first two multiplicative components of the interaction accounted for 58.77, 68.20 and 77.13 % of the sum of squares for boll weight, seed cotton yield and lint yield, respectively. AMMI stability value (ASV) and yield stability index (YSI) are suitable stability indices in discriminating stable genotypes with high mean yield performance. Four genotypes No. 6, 12, 14 and 17) are stable under the two phenotypic models.