The aim of study present work was to assess the nutritional value of balady
bread (82% extract rate wheat) supplemented with fiber and/or protein rich material
(barley bran, wheat bran, wheat germ, soybean hull and tofu).
The wheat flour mixtures were prepared and used for balady bread making.
Two levels of barley bran and wheat bran (10, 20%), two levels of soybean hull and
wheat germ (5,10%) and two levels of tofu (2.5, 5%). Dough rheological properties of
wheat flour blends were determined by means of farinograph and extensograph.
Baked bread was subjected to the organoleptic properties. Raw materials and all
prepared bread samples were evaluated for chemical composition. The biological of
gain in body weight, feed intake, feed efficient, blood glucose; serum cholesterol,
griglyceride, total lipids, serum uric acid, blood urea and transaminase enzyme (AST
& ALT).
The results revealed that:
Addition of tofu increased the protein, fat and ash content of the mixture,
when the mixtures contained soybean hull, the results appeared the highest in fiber
content followed by braley bran and tofu.
Farinograph and extensograph results indicated that water absorption dough
development time, and dough extensibility value were increased as levels of barely
bran, wheat bran, soybean hull and wheat germ increased. While the blends caused
a decease in dough stability and resistance to extension values.
For organoleptic quality lower level of all supplements used were more
acceptable than high level.
Bread supplemented with barley bran at level 20 and 10% gave the best
blood and serum parameters in diabetic animals compared to diabetic control.