Sorghum seed proteIn products namely, sorghum protein concentrate and
sorghum protein isolate were added a15, 10, 1S and 20% levels of supplementalion \0
wI'Ieal flour to raise lhe nutritional value and spaghetti manufacture. Methods of
extraction (or both sorghum protein concentr.:lte and Isolste. chemical composition
and func.lior,al properties Were slutli~d. Amino acid profiles and scores for 011 raw
materials were measured. All data of spa9hetti samples including chemical
composition, . cooking quality, color charac.leristics and sensory evaluation were
determined. The obtained results revealed that sorghum protein concentrate and
isolate extracted by water method and 0.034 N NaoH respectively had higher protein
content than the other methods. Also. their functional properties were the best
between other methods. The protein conlent of spaghetti samples supplemented with
both sorghum protein concentrate and isolate was increased as the level of
supplementation increased. Results of cooking quality showed that, supplementation
with both protein concentrate and isolate was increased as the level of
supplementation increased. Results o( cooking quality showed thaI. supplementation
with both prolein concentrate and isolate decreased the cooked weight. volume and
increased the cooked loss in spaghetti samples as compared with control. Spaghetti
samples were supplemented with protein isolate al all levels. Great change in ,E
values was noticed in spaghelli samples at all supplementation levels with protein
isolate. Acceptable high proteI" $paghetti aluld be produced using 5% and 10%
protein col)centrale for sensory characteristics (color and laste) and at
supplementation leYel 5% of protein !$olale for sensory cbaractertstlcs (color and
taste) and al supplementation level 5% ot prole in Isola re for COlor and lasle wilhout
any significant differences with control.