The present study was carried out to investigate the effect of iodized salt and
unfO! !ilied salt (NaCI) on some pathogenic and non-pathogenic microbes
(Staphylococcus sureus, Usteria monocytogenes, Aspergillus r7avus, Bacillus subtlfls
and Saccharomyces cerf1vls!ae) in selective media. The effect of low level and high
lever 0' iodized sail were evaluated using disc paper technique as minimum inhibition
concentrate (MIC). Data revealed thaI effect of iodized salt was higher on pathogenic
than non-pathogenic microbes, the effect was Increased with increasing the
concentration of iodized salt. Heavy melals (Co, Cu, Pb, Zn and Fe) which lead to a
real harmfu; effect on consumers were determined 1o dIscrimination between the
sources of Iodized selts. Also, idenlilication the component of iodized salts using
thin layer chromatography (TLC) to determine R, value and color under UV light (365
nm) by two developing systems.
On the other hand the applicaUon of iodized salts were done (at400Q and
5000 ppm lor;line) In processing of wei sailed nsh and pickled cucumber, Total viable
counts were determined during storage periods, which sllghlly increased with
prolonged storage, Also, sensory charaderlstics (color, taste, odor and acceptability)
were done for all lested samples etlhe end of storage period. Statistical analyses
revealed that no significant differences were detected between the tested samples.
So, It could be recommended to use iodized salt in food processing 10 Improve
microbiological, sensory Quality and protect consumers health.