This research was performed to try to produce low-cost infants foods from
locally available inexpensive cereals and legumes; characterized by a high nutritional
value sufficient for providing infants with their recommended daily dietary allo ances
(RDA) of the most needed nutrients and by a good organoleptic Quality. The 0 tained
resutts revealed that the all formulated infants food formula having a grea highly
nutritive value as illustration from their enrichment of protein and the most dete mined
minerals. and vitamins and characterized with an excellent organoleptic quality. and
more acceptability for intants. especially the formula No.2 (composed of 5% cod liver
oil and 20% chick pea; 10% defalled soy bean (DSB); 25% maize; 15% ski milk;
10% soy protein isolate (S-PI); 2.5% of each apricot and mango fruits' pulp, and 10%
egg yolk powders) and the formula NO.5 (composed of 5% cod liver oil and 15% of
each common bean and DSB; 20% of each maize and skim milk; 10% of ea S-PI
and egg yolk and 2.5% of each apricot. and mango fruits' pulp powders). In addition
that the produced infants food formulations exhlbited a great highly nutritional protein
quality, especially the former two enriched formulae (F2 & F5) as confirmed by
containing a better balance and a higher content of aillAAs in their protein. when
compared with the reference protein pattern of FAOJINHO/UNU for infants and by
having high values of the biological terms; protein efficiency ratio (PER). ne protein
utilization (NPU). TD and biological value (BV) which were analogous to the
corresponding values of milk protein. The infants feeding on 100g of either F2 or F~
was sufficient to provide them with their RDA of the ail tested nutrients, with the
exception of the energy value (, Mn, Pyridoxine (ViI. B6). folic acid and the
indispensable amino acids (IAAS) which were satisfied by about 47,40-43,24-26 and
53-78%, respectively. In general, the produced infant foods formulae had n tritional
and organoleptic Quality attributes of mere better t1':3:1 those of the commercially
produced baby food formula namely Cerelac.
Therefore. It is recommended to the direction towards the production of infant
food formulations from available cheap cereals and legumes with fortification by the
nalural enriched ingredients. with protein and some minerals and vitamins needed.
such as skim milk. plant protein isolates. egg yolk, cod liver oil and fruits to improve
the nutrition status of infants and to share in solving the problem associated with
suffering infants from malnutrition diseases.