The drum dried green algae Scenedesmus ecutus was evaluated chemically.
it contain (49.81% ) protein. Although it is deficient in sulfer amino acids ( methionine
and cystein ) . yet, treptophan reached a concentration of ( 1.62 gm 116 gm N ) .
which represent a good score of essential amino acid. There fore it could be used as
asupplement of tryptophan to the semolina.
Chemical composition, cooking quality, as well as sensory and biological
evaluation of supplemented spaghetti with ethanol extracted algae at levels 2,5,10
and 15% replacement were studied and compared with semolina spaghetti as control
The results indicated that the supplemented spaghetti sam les with ethanol
eX1racted atgae showed more protein ,fat, ash, fibre contents and nutritive value.
but less total carbohydrates than the semolina spaghetti sample at all replacement
Spaghetti processed from 100 % semolina showed the highest quailty
characteristics ( cooking quality, sensory paramentrs and consumer acceptability)
followed by spaghetti samples supplemented with ethanol extracted algae at levels
until 5%.