Detoxflcation of [oloba (Simmonds/a chinenSis) meal was cameo oul using
deionized water. The extraction was done by (a) ultrasound generator (US) at 20 kHz
IreQuency (or stirring (he mixture tor 5. 15. 30. 45. and 80 min. InI6(' .. (al at 30'C and I
or (b) reducing the particle size of jojoba meal into 0.125 rnr» using centrifugal mill.
before stirring with deionized water for 12 and 24 hrs at ambient temperature
(20:t2'c). The obtained extracts wore seos.atec by TlC and HPlC techniques TlC
technique separated only the sirnrnondstn and slmmondsin trans teruiate of raw
[ojoba meal into 7 components. Extending the duration of US tleatment from 5 to 60
min at 30°C reduced the coior tnlensity of the separated spots on nc plate. Waler
extraction with agitatiofl for 24 hrs sher reducing the particle size of ioloba meal into
0.125 mm 1e\J to cornotete disappearing of the differenl simmondsln compounds from
Ihe TLC ptate.
The HPLC conditions used In this study. led to a good separation of the
diHerenl trans sirnmoodsin Ierulales and their cis Isomers. Extending the time of US
trp.3lment increased from tne reducuor. percent of both sunmoncsin and srmrooncsm
ferulales of jojoba meal. Nearly. most of these compounds were removed from
rnicroniz ec [ojoba meal arter 24 hrs of stirring In deionized water.
Jojoba seeds. [ojoba meal. strrvnonos.n. simmondsln ferulates. de toxifica lion, HPLC, TLC. Ultrasound, rnicrooiz ation. oeionizec wale
Al-Azhar University, PNA, Ghaza, Palestine
Faculty of Pharmacy, AJ·Azhar Unlverfolty, Ghaza, Palestine.
Department of Horticulture Crops Processing Food Technology
Research Institute, ARC, Egypt.
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Publication Title
Journal of Food and Dairy Sciences
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