Ice cream was made from artificially contaminated milk with aflatoxin M, and
M2 to investigate the effect of manufacturing steps and storage period on AFM, and
AFM2 content and its stability. Results obtained during the course of this investigation.
show the percent of AFM, degradation was 4% and AFM2 was 5% after cream
adding, and more reduction of 9.7% for AFM, and 12.3% for AFM2 after adding
mixture before ice cream manufacture from artificial contaminated milk with aflatoxin.
Results show that the highest losses of AFM, and AFM2 were about 30.7% and 24%
respectively after adding gelatin during ice cream manufacture which might be due to
the strong association of AFM with gelatin as casein dUring cheese making. During
processing of ice cream, the pasteurization played a important role. Results cleared
that the highest losses of 38.7% of AFM, and 45% of AFM2 were after pasteurization
and homogenization before ice cream manufacture. Results cleared also no loss of
AFM, and AFM2 during aging of mixture and hardening of ice cream. Regarding the
effect of storage period on AFM content of ice cream at the present work, the
distraction and the ratio of distraction were observed during 10 weeks of storage in
freezer. Data showed that the percent of reduction of AFM, was 9.5% at the first week
of storage, but there is no effect of AFM2 during the first week of storage of ice cream.
More degradation of AFM, of about 9.5% from the first week to 28.5% at the end of 4th
week. Furthermore, AFM, was stable from 4'h week to 6th week and then, became
constant 33.3% of degradation until the end of storage period. On the other hand.
slow reduction of AFM2 of about 8% from the second week to 25% at the 7th week.
after then AFM2 was stable to 40% of reduction until the end of storage period. It is
evident that AFM, and AFM2 were reduced about to 10% and 15% from total toxins.
respectively during frozen storage of ice cream. The percent of AFM, reduction about
66.6% and 65% of AFM2 at the end of ice cream manufacture from the initial
contamination, therefore ice cream will be safe for human health because 76.6%-
80% of milk toxin were detoxified during processing and storage period from 6-7