Low fat Tatlaga cheese was made from cows milk standardized to 2% fat.
heated to 7SoC 115 sec .. then treated with 0.2-0.5 g TGase/l cheese milk .Cheese
was stored in the refrigerator .ror 21 days and anatyzed at weekly intervals. Apparent
viscosity. plastic viscosity and consistency index for cheese curd before molding were
followed. Also, the organoleplic properties of low fat Ta1taga cheese from different
treatments were assessed.
Using transglutaminase significantly increase cheese yield and developed less
syneresis. Total nitrogen and total solids of cheese from TGase treated milk were
higher than cheese from untreated milk. Moisture content, total nitrogen of cheese
decreased. while titratable acidity . fat. soluble nitrogen increased during storage.
Total protein and total solids in the recovered whey decreased wilh increaSing dosage
of TGase compared to the control. Apparent viscosity . plastic viscosity and
consistency index of cheese curd were increased with increasing TGase
concentration and were higher than that of cheese curd (control) from untreated mille
Urea -PAGE showed some differences in protein degradation between control cheese
and cheese treated with TGase when fresh and after 21 days of storage .
OrganOleptic scoring revealed higher scores for flavour. body and texture for cheese
from milk treated with TGase . Cheeses treated with TGase exhibit firm and smooth
texture . creamy taste with excellent appearance . Low fat Tallaga cheese of
acceptable quality. firm texture. pleasant consistency and mouthfeeting can be made
from heated milk treated with 0.4-0.5 g il of cheese milk