Pomegranate (Punica granatum) ;s QJltivated in the tropical and subtropical
areas and 1s widely distributed overall the worid as well as Egypt. The edible part is
the juicy seeds. This current study was carried out on Egyptian ripe pomegranate fruit
(Wand, Banati and Manfaloti varieties) season 1999. 2000 and aimed to study the
phyfoical charact&ristics and chemical composition 01 pomegranate fru~ Quice, pomace
and peel) for the three studied varieties. Results of this study showed that Wardi
variety had the highest fruit weight (320 gm) followed by Manfaloti (280 gm).
Pomegranate grains weight ranged between 48 - 83% of the total waight. Banati
variety had the high~t content of juice (42.9%), while that of Wareli snd Manfaloti
were (42.4 and 31.7%), respectively. (Pomace) pomegranate peel ranged between
37·52% 01 the total weight of the fruit. Pmximate chemical analysis of pomagraMta fruit of the thea varieties showed that; moisture ranged between 71·77% (grains). 85% Quice) and 80% (peels). while. crude protein content was in the range 8 - 9% (grains), 2.7 - 4% (juice) and 8.5 - 13% (peels). It was found also that. ash content wes higher in tha peels (3.8 - 5.3%) then juice (2.3 - 3%) and grains (2 - 2.5%). There was no lipidS in pomegranate juice
lor the three varieties; whila if was 2.3. - 4.2% In the grains and (1.7 - 3.6%) in tho
peels. The highest value of a\Jde fiber contan1 was I'ound in the peets (17%) followed
b'I (7 - 12%) in the grains and (0.8%) In the JUice. A remarkabla variation among the vartaties were observed lOr the addlty of the pomegraMta juice. Manfaloti vartety hed the highe$\ acidity (8%) followed by Wardi and Banati 3.1% and 2.4%; respectivety; on dry basa. PH value and TSS were ranged between (2.7 - 3.7) and (13%-17.3%): rospectJvety. Ascocbic acid content of pomegranate juice was in the ranga 23.5 - 32.9 mg/100m1 (on dry base). Banat! variety was tha highest whareas Manfaloti was the lowest. Po. remarkable va:ialions among the juice. pomace and tha peels of the variaties of pomegranate in their content 01 pectin; it ranged between (2.0 - 2.2%) in the juice. (8.0- 8.3%) in the pomace and (24 - 28%) in the ~e\s on dry wet buss. This mean Ihat tha pomegranate peels of the three varieties is a good source of pectin for various purposes. Tannin content was ranged betwean (2 - 4%) in the juice, (1 • 1.2%) in the pomace and (4.8 • 6.50/0) in the peels meaning that the peels of pomegranate is a good source of tannins for the various purposes. Anthocyar:n content determination showed that. Ward! porneqranate juice had the highest content of anthocyanin (120.7 mg ( 100 mil followed by Manfaloti (79.8 mg (100 ml) and BElnati (19.0 mg 1100 ml), on dry base. No trypsin inhibitor activity was detected (or Ihe juice. residua and peel of the three sludled varieties.The resuns we obtained revealed that pomegranate juice contain sensible amounts of sugars. ash, vitamin C and a good source of natural anthocyanin pigments. On the other hand the peels and seed residue of pomegranate contain good amounts of carbohydrate. fibers. pectin substances and tannins: meaning thai il contain nutritional substances of healthy value