Study was carried out to utilize the available novel dairy products as a non-fat-dry milk substitutes in manufacturing of low fat ice cream, as well as to fortify the product with such high biological value nutrients.
Non-fat-dry milk (NFDM) was used as a source of milk solids-not-fat in the manufacturing of control and three sources of milk solids were used as NFDM substitutes; milk protein concentrate 70% protein (MPC70), whey protein concentrate 80% protein (WPC80) and whey protein concentrate 30% protein (WPC30). NFDM was substituted by 25, 50, 75 and 100% of each source. Each trial contained 3% milkfat, 15% sucrose, 0.25% gelatin and 11.5% MSNF and 29.5% total solids. Viscosity, pH, and whipping time were determined in the mix while overrun, melting down and organoleptic properties were determined in the finished manufactured ice cream.
Data revealed that substitution has no effect on pH values; it ranged between 6.5 and 6.6 for all treatments. Substitution of NFDM by MPC70 and WPC80 led to gradual increscent in viscosity, while Substitution by WPC30 has no effect.
Control sample had the longest whipping time (10min.) comparing with all other treatments where the increasing of substitution ratios led to a slight decrease in whipping time. Samples contained WPC30 showed closer whipping time (9-8min.) to the control.
Overrun was greatly influenced by substitution treatments. Control sample achieved 48.1% overrun. MPC70-containing samples gained higher overrun than control but in a descending trend and at 100% substitution, overrun become lower than the control. On the other hand, WPC80-containing samples had the highest overrun values in an ascending trend positively with the substitution ratio and at 100% substitution it was (89.5%) nearly the duplicate of control. Samples contain WPC30 had an opposite trend despite all overrun values were lower than the control.
Melted amount of control sample was 50.5%. Samples contained MPC70 showed a drastic decrease in melting down(45.5-15.6%) with the increasing of substitution ratio. Samples contained WPC80 showed the same trend but the values were (66.3-38.6%). Samples containing WPC30 showed reverse trend where the amount of melted samples was increased (42.6-56.3%).
It can be concluded that the MPC70 has an advantage of slow down the melting of ice cream.WPC80 has the same particularity but with a lesser extent. In accordance WPC30 has an adverse characteristic. It can also report that using of high ratios of the studied substitutes, particularly WPC30, associated with negative effects on the organoleptic properties of ice cream. On the other hand, MPC70 and WPC80 was more match than WPC30 for use as NFDM substitutes hence they can be used conveniently with ratios up to 50% substitution without causing adverse effects on the ice cream properties.