Camel milk is nearly complete nutritive food. Moreover it contains curative agents against many bacterial and viral diseases. Therefore the current study was preformed to study the effect of using sodium alginate impact as an acid stabilizer at ratios of 0.5, 0.75 and 1.0% and/or blending buffalo's milk at levels of 1:3 and 1:1 without or with adding the stabilizer on the quality of yoghurt made from camel milk. The chemical, physico- chemical, microbiological and sensory evaluations were performed during the cold storage at 5±2°C for 15 days.
Obtained data of the chemical evaluation showed a remarkable decrease in pH values and increase in acidity of the treatments during storage, while the control showed very slowly development in these estimates up to the tenth day of storage then a considerable increase was performed with increasing storage period.
Blending buffalo's milk with camel milk revealed the apparent increase diacetyl and acetyl methyl carbinol during the tent days of storage, then, decreased with progress of up to 15 days. The addition of sodium alginate improved body and texture causing excessive increase in the consistency of the yoghurt imparting it an atypical jelly – like structure increased by increasing the concentration of the stabilizer and less amount in whey synersis. On the other hand, blending the buffalo's milk increased the amount of separated whey. There was fairly decrease in the clotting time by increasing supplemented camel milk by buffalo's milk.
Microbiological evaluation also showed fairly decrease in total microbial, lactic acid bacteria, yeasts and fungal growth in camel yoghurt samples with or without stabilizer. On the other hand, these microbial counts increased by increasing the added amount of buffalo's milk up to the ratio 1: 1 treatment.
On the organolyptic judging; flavor, body and texture were really improved by adding buffalo's milk. The blended and stabilized samples gave the best score with the ratio 1% sodium alginate when blended at the level of 3: 1 and with the ratio 0.75% sodium alginate at the level 1:1 of substituting with buffalo's milk. This trend was much more pronounced that adding stabilizer and/or buffalo's milk in making camel yoghurt improved its organoliptc and physic- chemical properties as a healthy, nutritive and curative product