Two hundred samples of raw milk and dairy products were examined for enumeration, isolation and identification of Aeromonas species. 10 ml/gm of each analyzed samples were added to 90 ml sterilized trypticase soya broth ampicillin, incubated at 28°C for 24h or 6 ±2°C for 7d to enrich Aeromonas spp. Plating on two media starch ampicillin agar (SAA) and bile salts irgasan brilliant green agar (BSIBG), incubated for 24 h at 28°C. Positive samples were enumerated, comparing cold with warm enrichment and between (SAA) and (BSIBG), then isolates were identified. Viability of Aeromonas hydrophila, Aeromonas caviae and Aeromonas sobria in the presence of lactic acid bacteria were studied too. (BSIBG) agar and warm enrichment were better than (SAA) and cold enrichment in isolation of Aeromonas spp. Kareish cheese has the highest contamination rate (30%) by Aeromonas spp., followed by raw cow's milk samples (28.6%). Raw goat's milk samples were the lowest contamination among all of the raw milk samples. The contamination rate of ice-cream samples was also of the lowest among all of the analyzed samples. (6.4 x104) and (0.02 x103) CFU/ml were the maximum and minimum detected populations of Aeromonas spp in raw cow's milk and ice-cream samples on (BSIBG) agar and (SAA), respectively. A. hydrophila, A. caviae and A. sobria were detected in all contaminated samples, but at varying degrees. Studying the presence of Aeromonas spp in raw milks and some dairy products then identification of the isolates in Dakahlia Governorate were the aim of this work.