The current investigation aimed to study the possibility of preparation some kinds of patties high in their content of iron using food sources rich in iron. In this matter cooked minced beef muscles as animal sources, cooked spinach as plant sources. These ingredients were used as stuff of patties. Defatted soybean flour and black rice flours were used at level of 5% to prepare some non stuffed patties rich in iron. Chemical composition and iron content of raw materials and the prepared patties were determined. Sensory evaluation of prepared patties was also carried out.
In relation to protein quality, the amino acids composition of prepared patties was determined, chemical score, computed protein efficiency ratio (PER) and Biological value (B.V.) were calculated.
The obtained results show that the pattystuffed with minced cooked beef was superior in its content of iron and protein than the other patties. Sensory evaluation proved that all prepared patties had a good acceptability especially the patties with stuffs. Higher amount of indispensable amino acids, were found in all patties which fortified with defatted soybean flour and the pattystuffed with mix of cooked minced beef and cooked spinach. In this relation, the patties stuffed with minced beef were found to contain the highest amount. In addition, the patties stuffed with cooked minced beef had the higher amino acid scores, computed protein efficiency ratio (C-PER) and biological value (B.V.) compared to the other types of patties.