There is an increased consumer demand on the consumption of low fat cheese. Reduction of fat associates with defects in quality and consumer acceptability of the resultant cheese. The present study was designed to improve flavor and texture of reduced fat Ras cheese (50% fat reduction) by using Lactobacillus helveticus (LH) and buttermilk powder (BMP). Reduced-fat Ras cheese was made by using LH, LH+0.5% BMP or LH+1% BMP. For comparison reduced-fat and full-fat Ras cheeses without LH or BM were also studied. The chemical, physicochemical and proteolysis indices of all cheese treatments were measured throughout ripening for 90 days. The results show that addition of 0.5%and1% BMP increased significantly (P<0.05) the moisture content, whereas salt on moisture (S/M %) was significantly (P<0.05) decreased in reduced-fat cheese when compared to reduced-fat control treatment. These results of moisture and S/M% were associated with improved proteolysis in these cheese treatments, which resulted in an improvement in the flavor and texture of the reduced fat Ras cheese. This impact was more pronounced with the addition of 1% BM than 0.5% BM. This trend of results was in accordance with that of scanning electron microscope analysis. Addition of BMP resulting in a more compact and dense cheese structure accompanied by regularly agglomerated protein aggregates. The sensory evaluation revealed possibility of improving consumer acceptability of reduced fat Ras cheese with the addition of 1% BM in the presence of LH as adjunct culture.