Wheat is considered one of the main creal crops in Egypt. These are
a noticeable gape between Production and consumption of wheat in Egypt .
This study aims at studying the economic.The results of this study are as follows:
-The total increase of Production from substituting Sods1 for less production
sorts a mounted to 5493 thousand Ardab ie 17.5 of the wheat production in
Egypt in 2001 and ie 16% of the wheat gross Exports in 2000. -The total loss resulting cultivated the variety Sakha 61 in Alexandria, Domietta and Sharkia amounted to 17.966 thousand Ardab of the during the period of the study.
-The total loss resulting cultivated the variety Sakha 69 in Charkia, Beni
Suef, Sharkia, Fayoum, Domietta, lsrnallia and Alexandria amounted to
1028.519 thousand Ardab, ie 4.75% of the average gross production to
Skha69 during the period of the study. -The total loss resulting cultivated the variety Giza 164 in Beni Suef, Behaira, Qulyoubia, Fayoum, Qena and Aswan amounted to 111.217 thousand Ardab during the period of the study. -The total loss resulting cultivated the varietySakha8 in Assuit, Beheira, Sharkia, Ismailia, Fayoum and Domietta amounted to 141.457 thousand Ardab during the period of the study.
- Cultivating the variety Seds 1 in Giza, Sharkia, So hag and Beni Suef.
-Cultivating the variety Sakha 61 in Giza, Kafr EL- Sheikh and Gharbia.
-Cultivating the variety Sakha 69 in Dakahlia, Kaluobia, Behira and Monofia.
-Cultivating the variety Giza 164 in Menia, Assuit and New lands in Middle
and Upper Egypt. -Not to cultivating the variety Giza 155.