This study aimed to evaluate mechanical technique of Rice crop yield,
compared with the prevailing traditional methods utilized for this crop. The study
Indicated that Intensification of agricultural mechanical technique used in Rice
Production leads to improve unit productivity (fecldan) by 12%. decrease production
cost ratio by about 11%, and increase the profit unit (feddan) by 53% as compared by
traditional cropping methods.
The most important factors affecting Rice crop production through
mechanical cropping are;
a) Intensification of mechanical utilization, and faxing on nitrogen and
phosphorus fertilization added through three times or mace to avoid
its fixation in the field land.
b) Early cropping of Rice transplants at the primary days of May.
c) Increase of planting susceptible varieties such as Giza 178 and
Sakha 102, and use watering not exceeds 21 irrigation in the
cropping season ..
d) In addi!ion to increase of laser land leveling and mechanicat crcp
cutting to avoid production loss and bad watering distributions.
Also, sprea~ing mechanical use in Rice production at kafr • Elshiekh
Governerate. leads to an Increase of total production by about 113.96 thousand ton.
and increase in agricultural national income by about 59 million L.E. Thus, this study
recommended the increase of farmers to utilize mechanical Rice cropping in kafr •
Eishiekh governrate. Also, leading the important cropping recommendation to
increase unit size productivity.