This research aimed at determine an altitudes fA respondents toward using
pheromones in cotton pest control in addion to examining the relationship between
cotton farmers attitudes and eleven independent variables namely: Age, education
level, family of size, average education children. land size. agr Ic. Extension contact.
economic behavior .social participation, exposure to mass media. opinion teadership
.knowledge of level related with using pheromones
The study is based on personal InteIView questionnaire and cover three
villages at Damanhour district. The sample which was r~omly selected respented
10% of the total cotton farmers .Basically speaking percentages. frequency and
simple correlation coefficient were used as statistical methods
The main results included the following;
1- 53%of respondent have negative altitude. While 35% of the respondents have a
neutral attitude, 12%ofthe res pendent have a posilive attitude
2- The correlation analysis reveals a positive significant correlation between cotton
rarmers attitudes toward using pheromones in cotton pest control as a dependent
variable and education level , average education children. land size, social
participation. exposure mass media, opinion leadership ,knowledge level related
USing pheromones. A non Significant correlation Is indicated between cotton
rarmers atlttudes toward using pheromones In cotton pest control as a dependent
variable and four independent variables namely: age. family of size • agric
extenSion contact, economic behavior.