Cruslaceans has been recenlly dominating catch compositions in lake Bardaweel
which negatillely affected export maricels lor the lake's Bream and Sea bass.
The study ftlcused on this problem. ctlBrllcter Is tics of Ih, lake and exlsllng constraints
has been studied as _II.
It was found that ecologicallactors, which prellalled in the lake in 1995-Z002. halle no
relation with catch drop from Brum on Sea bass.
Changes In catch composition was mainly due to introduction of new fishing gears Into
lake's lisheries, excess fishing effort, migralory birds. ".,d spread of outlels for fish
landing around the lake margins.
Dominance of Ctustaceans in fish catch is considered promab\o, from economic pOint 01
view. Gross fish income has been Increased from about 25 million EP in 1997106'3 million EP in
Results of study rellealed that GFI forecasted by the year 200~ (lissumlng stability ot
fish selling prices In 2000) will be about 134 million EP.
Catch relatille composIJion by the year 2005 is eXpe!ted to be about 4t. 1 % Irom
shflmp, Z4.4% lor crabs, 8% Irom Bream and 0.3°.(, for Sea bass.
Certain measurements halle to be taken to recovery Br am and Sill bass catch from
the lake.
Artificial hatchery for marine species mainly bream a~d Sea bass is recommended
with a capacity of 3 million ffles annually which is estimated in the "
Several technically. managerial and SOCial rec;ommen tiol\ has \:leen reached In the