The Maine objective of this research were: to determine differences 7in
rural citizens attitudes towards family planning for each husbands and wives
involved in the research sample, to determine attitudes of the study
Participates towards family planning, to determine relation ships between the
respondents' attitudes (husband and wife) and some selected demographic and
family independent variables and to determine relative participation of the used
independent variables in explaining variance in the dependent variables of the
participants' attitudes towards family planning.
The study was conducted in four selected governorates based upon
number of population (sarkia and kaliobia governorates I the della, beni-suef
and sohag governorates I Upper Egypt). In accordance with the name selection
standard, four districts and four villages were selected (one village I district).
The study sample encompassed 400 participants (100 participants a
village).the study sample was randomly selected and encompassed 50% wives
and 50% husbands.
The study data collected during the period September. November,
Written questionnaire with interpersonal interview were used in
collecting the obtained study data.
Simple correlation coefficient, f- test. forwards step-wise multiple
regressions, in addition to frequency tables, percentages, and standard
deviations were used in analyzing the obtained study data.
The research revolted the following:
The four independent variables deSign to be recognized as self relied,
Recognition of children as a source of income and family variables
(Family size and family annual income) combined together explained about
49% of the husbands' attitudes towards family planning,
The three independent variables (recognition of children as a source of income,
number of children, wife's obtained educational level, and wife's age) combined
together explained about 56% of wife's attitudes towards family planning.
Some recommendations, derived from the obtained research findings,
were presented.