The Investigation aimed to study the influence on gamma irradiation of
postharvest potato tubers for extending their shelf-life for more than six months. TWo
cultivars wers used i.e. Diamont and Spunta CIIS., In this Investigation. using ~
different doses of gamma irradiation Le. 50 and 150 Gry, in addition to a control
(un irradiated tubers). Thus, 18 treatments were carried ou1 with their replications r
measuring physical, physiological snd microbiological characters. Percentage of
sprouts rot tubers, total count of bacteria. yeast and fungi counts were determined.
Moreover, chemical constituents were determined, Including moisture. ry
matter percentage, total soluble sugars, ascorbic add (vitamin C), amino acids ahd
nucleic acids (RNA and DNA) content.
Food treatment with gamma radiation is considered one of t e
physicat means for food preservation to face the problem of preserved huma.n
feeds, according to FAO (1994). The aim of this investigation was to study
the influence of post harvest potato tubers by gamma irradiation for extending
the shelf-life of tubers for more than six months.
Radwan ru ru. (1996) found that irradiation at 6 to 10 k rad decreased
water loss in potato tubers. Kolb and Stephan (1997), reported that a dose of
10 k rad proved to be effective for sprout inhibition. In this stUdy potato
samples (Diamont and Spunta cvs.) were irradiated with 0,50 and 150 G,y
and stored in normal condition. then data were recorded every two week~
biweek~y. Percentage of sprouts. rot tuber! and total count of bacteria. yeast
and fungi were reported.
Manday and Seetharan (1 990) and Beukema and Van der Zaa~
(1990). found that irradiation dosage wilhin the range of 12·15 K rad fO~
potato tubers resulted in a Significant reduction due to sprouting, rotting
moisture loss and microflora growth three tested varieties after a storag
period of 9 months. Moreover. chemical constituents were taken inc Iud in
rnotsture, dry matter percentage, total soluble sugars, ascorbic acid (vitamin
C), amino acids and nucleic acids (RNA and DNA) contents. Moreover,
tubers (chips) fried were evaluated. All data were SUbjected to various
methods of statistical analysts.