The objectives of this study covering rural areas of Saudi Arabia are to: (a)
determine the perception toward fertility from the men'S standpoint; (b) determine the
respondents' perception toward family planning and birth control processes; (c)
determine the respondents' attitudes toward fertirlty; and (d) determine the relationship
between the respondents' characteristics and their fertility.
The study covered 923 heads of households living in 75 villages, chosen through
random and cluster samples techniques, in six regions of Saudi Arabia. Data was
collected by personal interviews using a questionnaire developed for this purpose.
Central tendency measurements such as percentages and mean and sImple
correlation coefficients were used to analyze the data,
Results indfC.Jted that the respondents were in favor of having a targe number of
children and most of them were against the use of birth control. A high refusal rate of
using family planning methods was recorded as well. The study concluded by
encouraging the developers and planners to be aware of this desire for large families
in order to provide the necessary services to these newcomers, who will fill the gap < /p>
when the large number of expatriate workers leave the country.