Rice crop is one of the most important cearals crop in Egypt for its
process and nutritive importance and considered as main source for the
Egyptian agricultural income. Its monetary value reached about L.E 3.8
milliard represents about 5.6 % of the agricultural production value for the
average period (1998 - 2000) and the cultivated area with rice reached about
, .489 million feddan represent about 25.3% of the annual average of the
cultiVated area with summer crops during the period (1999 - 2001) . Its
importance is due to being export crop and occupy the second rank in
agricultural exports after cotton, where as the Egyptian rice exports amounted
about L.E. 396.5 million represent 19% of the annual average of the
agricultural exports value during the mentioned period. This research aims at recognition of the economic effects resulted in vital technological change in high productivity rice varieties during the period (1999 - 2001) and the research deals with the current situation of the crop and recognition or the variety change effect on the supplied quantity through using (Afr & Show) coefficient, variation analysis, using Dunkan method to detect differences morality among productivity averages whether among varieties or governorates. It is clear that the most important varieties which are cultivated regularly in Egypt during the mentioned period are: Sakha 101, Sakha 102,
Giza 178, Giza 177, Giza 171, Giza 176 aM Giza 173.it is also flear that
from the results of using technological change coefficient (Air & Shpwj, Giza
173 & Giza 176 have achieved left relative transfer coefficient O.O~%, 0.1%
respectively, meanwhile Giza 177. Giza178, Sakha 101 and Sakha 1102 have
achieved right relative transfer coefficient 0.83%, 2.69%, 3.36%, and 1.44%
respectively. From the results of variation analysis and using Dunka~ method,
it is clear that variety Sakha 101 is cult:..,ated in governorates with worthiness
In productMty ex.cept Oamletta Governorate and the study recomm~nd not to
be cultivated in this governorate as continuation of culUvatiation w II lead to
loss in production estimated by 5890 tons. The varieties Sakha 02, Giza
171, Giza 177, and Giza 176 have no moral differences arnong the averages
01 the governorates productivity tor each variety, and this indicate to
efficiency of using the resources for production of these varl ties and
adabtabllty of distributing the agricultural plots tor these varieties.
The variety Giza 178 must be concentrated in AI G~rbia, AI Dakahlia, AI Sharqia, AI Beheira as contiuation of cultivation in Kafr_tl-Sheikh and Damietta will lead to loss in production reach about 48530 tons represent about 3.8% of the annual average to produce this variety during the mentioned period. For the variety Giza 173 (Riho), it is clear that tultivation concentrate in governorates have no productivity worthiness SJch as AI Oakahlia and Damietta with cultivated area represent about 93.31% of the
annual average of its area in the republic and continuation of cultivation in the
two governorates will lead to loss reach about 18800 tons represent about
17% of the annual average for Its total production during the mentioned
period. Therefore, it must be cultivated In its first production area i Kafr EI·
Sheikh and AI Gharbia Governorates.