Orange is corsidered as one of the most inportant good in the
Egyptian Agriculture as its exports 10.6% of the total Agricultural e ports in
the mean time of the period 1988-2001. Its exports are charactrlse by
flactutation in instability from one year to another inspite of the inc rea e in the
cultivated land and nutritinal productivity.
The results of the study show \hat the Egyptian production is ranked
as the fourth among the countries producling oranges.
II is calculated as 2.58% of the total international production and Its
amount is 5.904 Million TOil, Spain, U.S.A, and south Africa are ranked- as
the top countries exporting oranges at the ratios 21.03%, 8.21 %, 7.12 of the
total international exports in the same period, however Egypt comes at the
eights rank as it is 1.75% of the total exports. I
The study shows that \he amount of orange exports is 15.2"10 of the
total Egyptian production, Saudi Arbia, Russa, Hong kong, U.K, United Arab
Emarate and Kwait are the most important markets of Egyptian E1xports of
orange with the ratio of 14.97%, 11.44%, 9.46%, 2.29%, 9.08%, 2.5% of the
totaf imports of those counteries.
Thus shows the low value of Egyptian exports to these countries in
spite of the big capacity of their markets.