The main objectives of this research are. to identify the levels of coordination
among rural organizations measured by six indicators as well as a total ncex, The six
indicators are coordination within community, across commun ties, vertical
coordination, dealing with organizations, participating with other org nizations and
exchange benefits with other organizations; and dlscovennqthe-factors t at determine
each of measure. Data were collected from a quota sample of 162 orranizations in
Kafr EI-Sheikh and Gharbia governorates, Data were coded and scale constructed,
StepOwise multiple linear regression (Forward solution) technique wa employed to
examine the hypothesized relationships between the indep-endent varia les and each
inter organizational coordination measure,
The levels of horizontal coordination. within a community and across
communities, were generally low. however, the vertical coordinat'on was found
relatively moderate,
The levels of inter organizational coordination. measured as, participation with other
'organizations, exchange of benefits with other organizations and dealing with other
organizations was very low,
The overall index measured by six indicators as well as a Iota I index was very low
indicating that coordination Practically does not exist
The step-wise multiple regression analysis indicated that the percentages of
explained variance were 34,1%. 5% and 11.8% in the dimensions of coordination
within community. across communities, and vertical coordinatio , respectively,
the coefficients of determination were only 0.106, 0.179 and 0.073 in the
dimension of the dealing with other organizations, participati g with other
organizations and exchange benefits with other organizations, It 'fIas found that
the percentage of explained variance was 28,7% In the total ,ndex of inter
organizational coordination,
The independent variables in the step-wise solution varied by measure used,
Innovation, Organizational size. complexity, compatibility, organiza ional age and
available opportunities were the variables contributing to explainiryg coordination
within community,
Complexity and available opportunities were found to be the determinants of
coordination across communities,
Autonomy and job socialization were found co be the determinants of vertical
Cooperative perception and complexity were found to be the d terminants of
dealing with other organizations,
Planning and organizational size were found to ~e the determinants of
participating with other organizations.
Planning and pervasiveness were found to be the determinants f exchange of
benefits with other organizations ..
Innovation, complexity, pervasiveness, cooperative perception and autonomy
were found to be the determinants of the total coordination index.
Finally, the implications of the findings both theoretically and practically were