This study aimed at recognizing the relationship between the fulfillment of
extension instructional videotapes to learning quality assurance criteria and the
immediate cognitive change of their targets. It is conducted in randomly selected th ee
districts of those which have Agricultural Extension Centers. The research sample
was included 157 respondents, BB of them were subjected to Mushroom Product"on
Videotape and 69 to Natural Silk Production Videotape. Also, there were 27
evaluators for judging learning quality assurance of the two studied videotapes. Data
were collected through November 2002 to March 2003. A questionnaire inclu ,es
knowtedge tests was used for respondents and a scale for leaning quality assura ce
was used for judging. Frequencies, percentages, arithmetic mean, "t" test in pairs and
in groups and Chronbach's Alpha Coefficient were used as statisticat analysis tools.
The study main findings could be summarized as the following:
1- More than a half of 1he respondents who viewed mushroom production videota e
had achieved a high level and 41 % of them achieved a medium level concerni g
the knowledge about the mushroom production.
2· About 97% of the respondents who viewed natural silk production videotape h d
achieved a high level cf ~nowldge related te natural silk production.
3- There are significant differences at level of 0.01 conceming the knowledge degrees
of respondents before and after viewing the two studied videotapes.
4- About one third of mushroom production videotape respondents had achieve a
high level cognitive change and more than a half of them achieved a medium
5· About 41% of the respondents of natural silk production videotape had achieved a
high cognitive change and 42% of them achieved a medium.
6· About three quarters of evaluators estimated the level of fulfilling mushroo
production videotape to learning quality assurance criteria as a high level.
About 93% of the evaluators estimated the level of fulfilling natural silk producu "
videotape to leaming quality assurance criteria as a high level.
B- There are no significant differences between evaluators and responden s
concerning the learning quality assurance of the two studied Videotapes and thel'
instructional effects.