This study aims to identify variances between the graduates nd
beneficiaries concerning diffusion, adoption, and continuing in applying the
agricultural recommendations of biofertilizers at the some time, it identifies
the causes of rejection for the new practices of biofertilizers at Noubaria
Three locations are chosen with a total sample of 243 farmers. his
sample include 169 beneficiaries and 74 graduates who were sele ted
randomly from the agricultural cooperatives represent 30% of the populat'on.
An interview schedule was designed. Percentages frequency tables, t-test,
and simple correlation are used.
The main findings reveal the high rate of diffusion of biofertili~ers
among graduates rather than beneficiaries as for hearing about th~se
practices. Meanwhile the adoption rate for biofertilizers among graduates
were higher than beneficiaries. Agricultural extension is the first source of
information among both categories: graduates and beneficiaries. LacK of
information about the biofertilizers was the first cause of non- - adoptio of
this innovation among the two categories. Hower, lack of acces to
biofertilizer was responsible for stopping use of biochemical among farmers.
Differences exist between the two categories as for the degree of hea ing
about the biofertilizers their adoption of each type of fertilizers except Okadin.
Correlations exist between the degrees of hearing about the brofertilizers and
the degrees of adopting its practices.