The Egyptian economy has gone through some of change during its development
from aimed economy led by governmental judgment and has central planning and
public sector domination to economy let by the market forces and in that aspect the agricultural sector performed many steps which are proper to agricultural economy
ridding of, so that forced prices and shares which were forced upon production canceling and the former becomes free to cultivate whatever the wants, also the supplies of production were canceled and the private sector had the right to internal , also it can trade internally and externally in important fundamental goods.
Generally we can say that current study aiming at studying some of economical
expectations about sugar on the international levels also measuring the Egyptian
productive policies effects upon the economical and productive changes of sugar.
cane crops during the period (1984-1995) from the point of view of finance and
economy, that study based on the oracle rules and economical and methods of
statistical analysis add. to that use of matrix of policies analysis, and through this
matrix we can measure some scales most important of them are nominal production
labs, operative production labs, and national resources costs or what it may name as
relative property labs. This study is distributed into two period : the period of pre-
economical freeing and it from1984 -1986 and the period which is after the
economical freeing
from 1993 till 1995.
It was known from this study that the international production from sugar
generally directed to increase during the period of analysis with average of inconcrete
increase amounting to 1.9%, and the world consumption of sugar has increased by
annual rate inconcrete statistically with the average about 2.01 % of the world
consumption average during the study period, study declared that consumption rate
per one person from sugar on the world level was generally increased with annual
inconcrete rate statistically reached to be 0 .. 04% with increases relative amounting to
be 0.19% from accounting average of the period of analysis. But concerning national
level, the sugar amount produced from sugar cane has increased with annual
inconcrete statistical average amounting to 22.496 thousands tons with increase rate
of 3% from the sugar amount average produced from sugar cane during the study
The study clarified that the national production on of sugar don't meet the needs
of consuming regionally, and that gape is covered - between production and
consumption - by import. So that its necessary that we concentrate on the items
programs concerning the sugar crops production in Egypt next to the extend of Beet
cultivating in new areas and that reflects on the national production increase from
sugar so that the gape is becoming narrow.
The study showed that the cultivated area sugar cane crops has general direction
of increase amounting to thousands feddons yearly in average during studying period,
also productive rate of feddan so that rate is increasing of inconcrete increase
amounting to 0.8 tons yearly in average during studying period (1984-1995).
The study had discussed the productive policy analysis of Sugar Cane and
measured the policies analysis matrix and it was know from the matrix analysis
results that nominal protection labs for production during the period (1984-1986) ,
(1993-1995) amounted to be one per the two periods and that indicated that the
policy is jail and the norminal protection labs for production supplies amounted to be
0.7 and 0.74 per the two period after each other, at the time which the results declard
that relative property labs amounted to be 0.05 and 0.16 per the two periods what
indicates that there is a relative propriety of Egypt in production of Sugar Cane crops
and that its producing is better than its importation.
Generally the results indicate the economical reform let to changing found in the
economical exceptions group concerning the Sugar Cane crops production in Egypt
that it shared in the cultivated area increase and helped to change the crops
composition shape, also it had the effect on the land production increase, and caused
the production costs increase, but the price increase of the product and feddan
productive increase made amends of the procedures well-being which were available
for the Egyptian agricultural freeing, which helped in relative property creation ...