This research aimed mainly to determining total efficiency of performance of
the extension field agents of extension activities related to marketing of the onion crop
and determining the relationship between some independent variables and degree of
total efficiency of performance of those activities.
This research was conducted in Gharbia Governorate. The total population
of the extension field agents is 288. the sample size represented 41.7 % of the total
population of the extension field agents in this Governorate. Percentages. arithmetic
means -. standard deviation • Pearson simple correlation coefficient • partial and
standard partial regression coefficient of determination were used as tools for
statistical analysis.
The results of this study revealed that:
1- 52 % of the extension field agents had high qualification • in addition. the
finding also showed that about 60.8 % of them had agricultural work
experience between ( 14 - 25 ) years, the findings also showed that about
50.8 % of them had agricultural extension work experience between ( 13 - 24 )
years and the findings showed that about 86 % of them had total time of
training in the last year was from ( 1 - 25 ) days.
2- Findings revealed that about 45% of the extension field agents had a mean
degree in performance of their extension roles in marketing of the onion crop.
3- Also , findings showed that • most independent variables which affected on
degree of roles performance of the extension field agents related to marketing
of the onion crop. correlation between them was significant on 0.05 level.
4- Also • findings showed that • most significant independent variables which
'affected on performance degree of their roles related to marketing onion crop
.the experience in extension work. number of resources of information and total
time of training in the last year represented 13.3 % of explaining the variance in
performance level of the extension field agents to their roles in marketing of the
onion crop.