There are some directions towards drying the internal lakes for
agricultural production purposes, in spite of their importance as main sources
for fish production which led to fish nutritive gab which increases yearly., so,
to overcome this problem we had to compensate this shortage by import,
which led to a problem, with two branches: first is the foreign currency, the
second which is more important, how to keep a minimum of national
That is will be achieved by following a correct scientific management
of available water sources.
Marriott's lake is one of the most important fish production lakes, but
vIe noticed a gradual decreasing in its area from 60 thousand feddan in 1965
to approximately 15 thousand feddan in our present time, moreover, it is very
polluted, which reflected negatively, on the lake's environment, and affected
negatively on it's fish production.
As a result of that, some kind of fish had been disappeared and other kinds
had decreased; we see clearly that in year 2002, the production of Marriott's
lake from all kinds offish was 5303 ton which represented 3.13% from the
total production of all lakes which was 169310 ton approximately.
That indicates the low rate of sharing of the lake's fish production.
That is due to it's pollution, where had been decreased from 23 ton (1997-
1999) decreased to 10 ton through (2000-2002)., and to avoid that
decreasing we have to apply the biological balance in the lake, that will avoid
loosing of high quality fish kinds.
In the same time we have to reduce pollution, stopping unfair fishing,
fishing - net holes to be limited, organizing the fishing efforts. Organizing of
non-fishing periods according to Biological and realistic information to get
correct data which shares in using of the important sources.
In addjtion to that we have to issue some legislation's which protect the whole
lake area from transgressions, that's will keep the whole environment,
specially the water environment.
Also, we must stop filling-up of lake's shores by establishing of tourism
-Its necessary to find an other direction for AI- Alkah's drrain to pour its water
far from the lake to keep its environment and its stored same time we have
to feed the lake by a new un-polluted water to reduce the harmful effect of
AI-Alkah water.
-No more licenses for artificial projects around the lake.
-Purify the bottom of the lake from pollution which accumulated through many
Through this study, its clear that the fishing fleet in Marriott's lake is
consists of just sail- boats or paddle boats, they are about 2003 boats which
represents 9.50% from the total number of sail-boat in all lakes, and about
4.75% from the whole number of sail- boats all over the republic, through the
overage period (1995-2000).
Its clear that the fishers number in Marriott's lake was about 223
fishers, which represents abort 1.02%, 0.32% from the whole number of
fishers in all lakes and all over the republic in the same period.