The importance of peanut crop is due to an increase in the land
cultivated with this crop during the last years. whereas the annual average of
the area reached about 130.3 thousand feddan during the period 1997-2002.
This led to the need of studying the distribution of the areas allocated for this
cultivation, and is the distribution done according to the criterion of
productivity worthiness in the areas of production or to some standards of
relative productivity but the most importance are the standards of the cost of
the productive unit and the net income per feddan.
Some of statistic analysis methods have been apptied such as variation
analysis and Dinkan method to compare productivity averages per feddan
during the period 1997-2002 for more important producing governorates and
some following results have been achieved:
1- It has been proved statistically, that there is moral variation among
feddan productivity in more important producing governorates and it was
possible to classify production regions to four productive locations: the
first include Assyout and Sohag Govemortes, the second include:
Ismailia and Giza Governorates besides the new lands, the third include:
AL Beheira and AI Menya Governorates and the last one include AI
Sharkia Govemorate.
2- The Governorates of Sohag, Assyout and AI Behiera, besides the new
lands are less in the cost of producing one ardab of this crop.
3- The results showed also that the Governorates of Sohag, Assyout and
AI Beheira were the highiest in the valaue of feddan net income.
4- For what mentioned above, it is worthily in production and economy to
increase concentration of crop cultivation in the first and the second
regions: Assyout, Sohag, Ismailia, Giza and in the new lands. The
expansion in crop cultivation in the new lands must be encouraged if over
productivity will be achieved relatively and reducinq the cost of ardab
production compared to the old lands for the producing governorates in
the two productive regions the third and the fourth. with the aim of
improving uses and directives of the economic resources, especially the
land to achieve productive and economic efficiency in producing peanut
in Arab Republic of Egypt.