The main objectives of this research were to Idenlify the problems affeclira on
the level of Job sfficiencv for the valorioariarvs sxtensionists In some north and v-est
Delta Govemorates In Egypt. Oata were collected by personal Inlervl(]ws USing a
prepared questionnaire hom a sample amounted to 50 employees represented 78%
approximately of the total number of this veterinarians extensionists in four
govem coefficient of variance (C.v) and multiple correlation were used to analyze data
stausucauy. In addition 10 frequencies and percenteqes:
Tha main results of this research were:
First: There are a slgnifiC the level 01 their job efficiency, 46% of them were law level. 40% were medium
level. and 14 % only of the respondonts were high levers of job efficienc)'.
Second: Six inoepsndeot variables were related signiOcantly wh.h the dapenoent
vartabls.Tne independent variables e:68%of the variance in the
dependent variable.
Third: The relatively importanLce of the problems related to the revel of jot> efficiency
01 Ihe veterinarians extenstonisls can be arranqed depending on Beta values
Irom the top to the bottom as follow: The problems related (0 cnaractertsucs
of the veterinarians extensionlsts themselves, the problems related to
veterlnarian extension orgn12alion 0JEO), the problems related to the budget
which specify LO the veterinarian ex1ension system, the probleros related to the
extension's target system, Lhe problems related 10 the; outer environment ot
the VEO, the problems relaieo Lo Ihe colleges and assistants on me work.
Finally, the problems related to the vetArlnaries servkas presenling to the
large! system (farmers and breeders and Iheir baushotd Individuals).
Depnding on the above results, the research beQuat11 (recommend) with Lhe
follows: solving the problems or reducing Its negative effects. Increasing numbers of
the veterinarians extsnsiooists by adding the veterinaries surgeons from the
velerinarians units which lind In \he villeges 10 the veterinarian exteo sron orgnlzatlon,
couraging the veterinanans extensrorosts nnanciatty and moralley. In addition to using
the agricultural extension centers In the studied govemorales for oolng the
veterinaries extension oanels and m€ieling more easty.