The main' objective 01 this research was to study agricultural
extension a genls' knowledge and e xcutive I svel concerning bases of using
some extension aids (Chalk board, slides, over-head projector) i(l K<'lfr EI·
Sheikh, Ghsrbia, Dakahlia govt3rnor8tes, A.R.E The specific obiecuves were
stated as follows:
(1) To Identify some characteristics of respondents.
(2)To identify the knowledge level of respondents aboul Ihe bases of using
the studied aids.
(3)To identify Ihe factors afiecling the knowle bases of using the studid aids.
(4 ) To Identify the exw/ive level of respondents for Ihe bas es of us 11)9 the
studied Bids.
(5)To 'Idenlify the factors aHecting the excutive level of .esooncerus for the
bases of using the studied aids
A questionnaire \'/85 used to couect the data needed for this research
Ihrough interviewing 130 respondents (Working in agricvlluraJ extension
center) from Kafr EI·Sheikh, Gharoia, Oakahlia Governorates.
Percentage. arithmetic means. standard deviation. simple ano
multiple correlauon coefficient. parttat. end standarc regression coefficient.
step-wise multiple reqression were vsec to analyze data staristically.
The main results of this research could be sumrnartzec as fo(lows:
. The results indicated that. 48.5% of respondents had high level of
knowiedoe, about 29.2% moderate, 22.3% low, 52.3%, 43.8%, 46.9% of
respondents had high level of knowledge about the bases 01 using chal'.<
board, slides, over head projector respectively.
-All the Independent variables of this study explained about 24.7% of the
variance in the knowledge level of respondents about bases of using l~
studied aids.
- The results showed that about 24.6% of respondents had' high level of
excutive, 46.2% Intermediate, 29.2% low.
-538%, 40.8%, 43% of respondents had Intermediate level of practicing lhe
bases of using chalk board, slides and over heed projector respectively.
-All the independent variables of this study exptsioo about 24.5% of the
variance In the excutive level of respondents for bases of using the studied
-The results lndlcated the Important of trairling In the field of using exteosion
aids, and job satisfaction, as the more effective variables in knowledge and
excutive level of respoodeots.