This research aimed at study the causes, which make the extensionists. leave
out the extension work to the other agricultural organizations. Data were collected by
personal interviews using a questionnaire from a random sample amounted to 194
employees represented about 29% of the total number of the extensionsists in four.
Governorates, i.e. EL·8ehiera • Kafr EL·Shiekh • Dakahlia and Damietta .
Weighted means and factor analysis (by using Varimax Wilk Kaiser
. nonnalization rotation method) were used to analyze data statistically, in addition to
means, frequencies and percentages.
The main results of this research were: The relatively importance of the causes
behind leaving out the extension wor1< can be rotated under six factors (components) .
The six factors can be ranked depending on the general weighted means for the
causes which included it in rotated components as follows:
First factor: It called after • job facilities • with general mean amounted to 1.544.
" degree. Data cleared that no existence fuel for motorcydes and no
money for the main! enance as a first reason from the list of the causes
of this factor.
Second factor: It called after'' inner burnout· which raises from the inner job stress,
with general weighted mean amounted to 1.350 degree. Data
cleared that duplicity and contrasting the extension orders is the first
reason from the list of the total causes of this factor.
Third factor. It called after ''moral job intensive'' or social motivation, with general
weighted mean amounted to 1.349 degree. Data showed that
stopping and ending extension pogroms and projects, which give
more values and importance to the extension occupation, was the
first reason of this factor. .
Fourth factor: It called after ''economical job intensive'' with general weighted means
1.296 degree. Data referred to restricted rewards and incentives
compared with the other agricultural departments were the first reason
of this factor.
Fifth factor: It called after'' outer bumout '' which raises from the outer job stress, with.
weighted mean amounted to 1.138 degree. Data appeared that many
problems and barriers reduce the appearance of extensionists
efficiency was the first reason on this factor.
Sixth factor: It called after'' work climate'' or job environment, with general Weighted
mean amounted to 0.993 degree. Data proved that extensionists
neglecting and their problems careless by the managers through all
managerial levels were the first reason in the list of causes on this
Depending on the above six factors, it is very important for the extension work:
to prevent the Extensionists leaving out the extension organization, by giving them
intensive and reducing the wor1< stress.