This study aims to determine the factors that affect on diffusion of
some agricultural bio fertilizers among fanners, and, to detect most
important problems (obstacles) that face them and hinder this phenomenon.
To achieve these objectives a sample of farmers was drawn from the
Ariamoon 95 farmers, EL-Warak 85 fanners, EL-Salahib 75 farmers and
Om- sin 105 farmers. Data were collected by personal interviews using a
'protested questionnaire. Percentages, Diffusion rate, correlation, regression •.
and step-wise multiple regression techniques were used in data analysis.
The findings can be summarized as follow:
- Diffusion rate of Agricultural bio-fertilizers reached about 37% of the
sample's members. It reached about 32% among farmers who lived in
new villages, and about 41 % in old villages, rural characters, behaviors,
values, and social systems may cause this difference.
~ All variables which were tested are significantly correlated with diffusion of
agricultural bio fertilizers scores except experience with farming and
electric equipments ownership.
- When multiple regression analysis was applied, there were three variables;
agricultural land ownership. degree of leadership and degree of social
participation were found to be significantly affecting diffusion of
agricultural bio fertilizers scores.
- Step-wise multiple regression analysis indicated that the coefficient of
.. determinantion was 17%, 2.1% and 18.4% to plogrine, phosphorine and
- The step-wise multiple regression analysis yielded reduced equations
containing the detenninants of diffusion of agricultural bio fertilizers: In
summery, degree of leadership. relative advantage, land ownership,
degree of social participation and degree of agriCUltural extension contact
were found to be the determinants of diffusion of agricultural bio fertilizers.
- It was found that the problems limiting diffusion of bio-fertilizers are
unknown bio fertillzers prices, lack of specialized meetings, lack of
relevent television messages. how perceived a (visibility of results, lack
of relevent radio programs, missed information about where to get them,
and unavailability at cooperatives and extension centers, in that order.
Finally, the research findings have definite implications on both levels.
partically and theoretically.