This study aimed to identify the problems of agricultural production which face
the graduates in. some new lands villages at Kafr EI-Sheikh, determinate
communication sources which graduates depended on when they exposure to
these problems. determinate The knowledge lack in some agricultural
recommendations of some crops, and determinate the relationship between some
independent factors and respondents' knowledge concerning agricultural production
Data were collected by using questionnaire from 192 respondent representing
about 15% of the total graduates in the four villages selected. Percentage ,
frequency distribution ,mean, standard deviation, simple correlation, and multiple
regression were utilized as Statistical tools.
The results of this study showed that:
1- The problems which faced the graduates fell into five groups as follows:
the financing problems occupy the first group of the problems , the animal
production problems occupy the second group, after that the agricultural and
extension problems come after, improvement the agricultural land. Finally
marketing problems come last
2-important communication sources to graduates when they face agricultural
problem face were graduates cooperative director, families, people which live
with them. and friends
3-some graduates need more information concerning to some agricultural
recommendation in cultivate some crops such as : varieties of crops to cultivate
in the new land , suitable rates of fertilizer of some crops , weed control,
diseases control. insects control.
4-The independent variables of this study explain 30.9 % of the total variance in
agricultural problems, which face respondents.
5- There was a positive and significant correlation between respondents knowledge
of. agricultural problems and the following independent variables: social
participation, degree of leadership, exposure to agricultural information sources.