The research aims to determine some vocational abilities conceming
both adult educating principles, Communcation, persuosion, offering in formation
leadership and trainning, as well as to determine the relation ship between the
total degree of vocational abilities as dependent variable and each of
independent variables under study, and also determining effect of these studied
independent variables on the total degree of respondents' vacational abilities.
This research was conducted at five districts in kafr el-Sheikh governorate were
chosen randomly i.e.: Kallen, Kafr EI-Sheikh, AI Riad, Fowa and balteem data
were collected by using personal interviws questionnaire from a random sample
amounted to 131 agricultural extension agent respondents according to "krejeci"
and morgan", to analyze data statistically simple correlation coefficient, qui
square, Patial regression coefficient, multiple correlation and regression analysis
"Step-wis", arithmatic mean, and standard deviation were used, in addition to
frequencies, percentages and tabulation.
The main results of this research were as follows:
- Nearly 34%, 25% of the respondent extension had high abilities level
concerning both offering in formation and adult educating respectively. About
37% of the respondent extensionsts had moderate level concerning
communication ability and about 35% of them had high ability level concerning
the total degree of vocational abilities.
- Asiginificant correlation relationship was found btewwn the total degree of
vocational abilities as dependent variable and each of the following
independent variables: degree of respondent education, and satisfaction about
extension work at 0.01 level of significance.
Three studied independent variables I.e.: Benefit from extrension trainning,
degree of respondent education and satisfaction about extension work
significantly effected the total degree of the extensionists vocational ability
(Multiple Correlation ammunted to 0.777) and explained combincd abut 59% of
it's variation.