This study aims : khowelage of determinants of the politicalization , the political
culture . and the political participation of the rural youth .
This study applied in Nawasa El-Gheet village at Dakahlia Govemorate . and
applied on random sample from rural youth (20-35 year) . The size of sample (300
youth) ‘
The researcher has used the frequenciesperson corretation coefficient , partial
linear regression .ascending multiple linear regression . path analysis method . and
(I) test in analyzing the data . and (f) test. ..
' Payh analysis of the determinants of the potiticalizatton , the political Culture .
. and thepolitical participation of the rural youth : _
(1) The results of the first step of the analysis have shown that the most independent
studied variables have contributed in specifying the politicatization degree of
the rural youth are : the opinion leadership the educational status and the
occupation .
'(2)‘The results of the second step of the analysis'have shown that the most-
independent studied variables have contributed in specifying the political
culture degree of the rural youth are : the practical status. the openness and
~ - politicalization . . . _ - . .
(3) The results of the third step of the analysis have shown that the most independent
studied variables have contributed in specifying the political participation
degree of the rural youth are : the membership in nongovernmental
organization. the family position, and the age . - .
it has been shown that the politicalization significantly has contibuted in
- specifying the political culture of the rural youth of the samptes . But the politimlization
and the political culture of the samples slightly have in specifying the political
participation degree