Egypt in going to look forward to raise the rates of human
development and improving the level of living for every person Thus it must
be social and economical policies trend to advancement the human
development which improving the quality of life. This research amid to
reconciliation some social and economical indicators that shows the level of
living and poverty between people in the south upper Egypt governorates
through the last period (1992 — 2004 ). Compare to others republic regions
To helping decisions makers to deteminating priorities and allocation
resources toward regions and sectors which needs most careful and meriting
until don't be there odds for the north on account the south. The results of this
research shows there is high variance in the human development indicators
between south upper Egypt region and other different regions although does
the best offered through the last period in the healthy education and building
big number of schools. Where there was very significant difference in the
value of the human development guide. Between south upper Egypt region
and other regions. At the same time the south upper Egypt comes back from
which achieve in the reSults of the human development guide value because
the south upper Egypt covered decreased in the developing in 2004 amocnt
8% where the other regions covered decreased in the development
amount 23.3%. 30.3%, 31.3%, 31.1%, 31. "/5. 34.9% for the urban
Governorates region. breeder governorates, total republic, lower Egypt, and
north upper Egypt region respectively.
The results of this research also clear that the poor families are found
the south upper Egypt with great ratio and Assiut governorate comes in me
first order in the ratio of poor people (11% form the people) therefore must be
making continuous evaluation to impact of the economics reform progammes
on the people where that market power doesn‘t machinery for the poors
people ot weakness people and must be making correcting procedures to
protect this categories or sets to help them to improving their living level
partiCUlar in the south upper Egypt governorates and must be iterated
estimating to determinating the poors people through questionnaires to
providing policy makers with the just information of poverty level the Change
rates and which achieved through the time .