Land resource is considered one of the essential elements in the
agricultural economic development. so the government paid attention in
expanding this input. The crop pattern in Egypt has changed. according to
profit maximization from the point of view the farmers. so the optimum
economic use and utilization from the agricultural inputs. is considered goal
of the agricultural developments. \-
The research problem and the objective of the study handles the
nature of crop pattern and its restrictions to achieve the maximum profit from
through the optimum use of the available inputs. i.e.. land. water irrigation.
agricultural labor. and cost of production. The data are collected during 2004.
from different sources. 0n the other hand the study applied the linear
programming method (LP). to solve the optimality problems, with respect to
profit maximization of crop pattern to 35 agricultural crops. include winter.
summer. Nile. and perennial crops.
To achieve the objectives of optimum crop pattern. linear
programming model was specified and estimated. to determine the
appropriate crop pattern. The optimum solution indicate that there are
increase in the total net return of crop patterns in Egypt. reached about
25129 million LE. and exceed the actual total net return of crop pattern by
344 million LE. and by about 1.35% o the real net return that reached about
24795 million L.E..
Finally some recommendations may be applied for economic utility
with respect to the Egyptian farmers and the state. i.e.. increasing cereals
crops especially. wheat and maize, decreasing rice and sugar cane crops.
also increasing vegetables crops for exporting. cotton for industry. and
forage crops for animal. It can be said that if the expected crop pattern was
generalize. will serve many fields in the developing of economic planning.