Wheat is considered one of the most important cereal crops In Egypt.
After adoption of economic reform policy. farmers became responsive to
many variables in making their farm decision especially in long run.
The research problem and the objective of the study handles the
estimation for supply response functions for wheat. during the Egyptian
economic reform policy. to determine the most variables affecting the
acreage response. annual and full time period response for wheat farmers.
To achieve the main objective. distributed lag models have been
applied. i.e.. Marc Nerlove model for wheat acreage supply response in
Egypt. through period (1990-2004).
The results indicate that according to Marc Nerlove of partial
adjustment model for wheat supply response functions. there is a positive
response to the yield. farm prices. costs of production. and net return to the
economic variables in absolute and relative forms.
The best model according to the full time period to fulfillment the
response, indicate that the yield productivity of wheat was the best variable
the affect on the acreage supply response of wheat.
It can be said that. the farmer's response to the productivity of wheat. in
fact reflects the response to technology. and the farmer's response to the
relative prices reflects the effectiveness of structural adjustment in the
agricultural sector.
Recommendation of the study is based on the emphasis of
effectiveness of the agricultural extension for increasing the wheat
productivity and increasing the farm gate price of wheat as an incentive to
expand wheat cultivated area.