Targeted research to identify the impact of current agricultural policy to cash
crops (Potatoes. Cotton. and Rice) In Egypt. and this objective can be achieved
through the Millennium instrumental following : (1) A study of the evolution of some of
the variables associated with such cash crops. (2) Examine the Impact of current
agricultural policy to each of the items of production costs and net returns per units
each oi the three crops studied. (3) The study of the impact of current agricultural
policy to Egypt's relative advantage in the production oi those crops under study.
Results of study:
(1) increasing the cultivated area oi each oi potatoes and rice during the
study period. a growth rate of about 1.41%. 2.44%. the same arrangement. while
cotton decreased rate of about 2.73%. (2) Increased productivity potato. cotton and
rice during the study period. a growth rate oi about 1.18%. 0.03%. 2.72%. the same
arrangement. (3) Increase the GDP oi potatoes due to the Increase in both the area
and the productivity of the crop and the impact oi the change in the area is greater
than that In the yield. While the increase In rice production is the impact of the change
in yield per ieddan oi his biggest crop in the area. while declining cotton production
since the rate oi decline in the area is greater than the rate of increase in productivity.
(4) The increasing cost oi production for potatoes in the second period (1991-2004) is
the full implementation of the current agricultural policy at 295.38% compared with the
first period (1980 - 1990). this increase Is due to a change oi the value oi each lease
ieddan. the value of the element of human labor. the value of a working animal. the
value oi automation. value breeds value oi farmyard manure. the value oi chemical
fertilizers. pesticides value. incidental expenses for the first period at 38.79%. 21 .23%.
0.18%. 10.59%. 51.46%. 5.90%. 18.34%. 4.48%. 10.39%. the same arrangement. (5)
Increasing production costs for cotton at about 231.18% compared to the first period,
this increase is due to a change oi the value oi each lease ieddan. the value oi the
element of human labor. the value oi automation. the value oi seeds. the value oi
farmyard manure. the value of chemical fertilizers. pesticides value. incidental
expenses ior the first period at 98.17%. 25.40%, 10.38%. 2.39%. 2.40%. 8.84%.
2.27%. 5.02%. the same arrangement. (8) Increased production costs ior rice at about
243.33% compared to the iirst period. this increase is due to a change of the value of
each lease ieddan. the value oi the element oi human labor. the value oi a working
animal. the value of automation. value breeds value oi farmyard manure. the value of
chemical iertilizers. pesticides value. incidental expenses for the iirst period at
125.88%. 20.15%. 0.88%. 24.41%. 3.55%. 0.80%. 7.13%. 8.42%. 5.74%. the same
arrangement. (7) Increased net revenues each oi the potatoes. cotton and rice from
the iirst period at 282.57%. 493.89%. 371.09%. the same arrangement. and due to
the change oi productivity, price. cost and productivity. (8) The extent iactor
comparative advantage for the production oi potatoes. cotton. rice during the first
period at 0.57. 0.57. 0.38 the same arrangement. While in the second period of about
0.82. 0.92. 0.99 the same arrangement. This means that the current agricultural policy
had led to deterioration in the comparative advantage in the production oi those crops.
in spite oi Egypt. still have a comparative advantage in the production oi such labs
because oi comparative advantage is still less than one.