Egypt is suffering from the GAP OF plant food oil and decrease of seff-
sufficient rate, which refers to increasingly demand for oils and the over- pulation.
ghese lead to increase the imports . then the increase of the deficient o the trade-
So, the study aims at estimate the volume of the plant food oil gap by stud ing
the development of both production, consumption and the available capacity 0 the
factories in Egypt and the possibility of developing it.
The "esults of stud showed that .as a result of the production of oil groups
fluctuated the self-su icient rates are also fluctuated between 9.14% and 32.44% at
the s:ason 8911990, 200312004 respectively. It is also noticed that. the oil production
of local resources has an annual increasingly significant trend amount 10.25
thousand ton with change rate represented 7.053 % of the local production average
during the period 198711988- 200312004.
It is also noticed that. the oil production from imported resources has a
decreasingly significant trend amounted 5.328 thousand ton with change rate
represented 2.668 % of the average of the local production of imported resource . So .
the total production of plant oil in Egypt has an increasin ly significant trend with
change rate represented 1.263 % of the total production of cod oils throughout the
said mentioned period.
On the other hand , the local consumption has also an increasingly significant
trend amounted 17.096 thousand ton annually represented 2.022 % of the average of
oil _c%nsumption amounted 845.41 thousand ton throughout the same mentioned
peno . '
Concemin the development of the gap between consumption and the total
production 0 the food oils . It is noticed that, it is represented 52.14 %. 39.86 % and
36.92% in 8711988. 9411995 and 200312004 respectively.
The results of the study showed that. the average of the real capacity of the total
production of food oils represented 65.68 % of the average of the maximum capacity
amounted 592.82 thousand ton throughout the above mentioned period. It means
that. there is un-emplo ed capacity can be used to decrease the consumption gap by
the optimum uses of e available resources. The Trend relation indicated that. the
unemployed productive capacity of oil has an increasingly significant trend amounted
9.706 thousand ton annually represented 5.92 % of the average of the total production
of oils throughout the above mentioned period. The study also indicated that. it can be
covered about 80% of the oonsum tion at the full-capacity for the oil factories . the
trend relation showed that . the ll-capacity has an increasingly s' nificant trend
amounted 18.03 thousand ton with changg—rate represented 3.042 of the total
average of the full-capacity in Egypt throug ut the period 198711988 - 200312004 .
Finally , it is observed that. the E yptian imports of food plant oils amounted
635.58 thousand ton valued about 3 2.75 million dollars throughout the said
mentioned period .
The study recommended the following :
1 - To developing the production factories of plant oils and raise their productive
efficiency . besides using the new high technology.
2 —make the clever labors available . moreover provide with the necessary inputs to
reach to the maximum capacity level (full employment ) to decrease the plant
oils gap production and decrease the imports o the plant food oils .
3 - Give more interests to increase the oils crops cultivated areas enjoy highly quantity
and quality especially in the new lands .