Cotton occupies main position among different plantation in Egypt as it is one
of the principal column in the national economic structure. Where many industries rely
on and about a million workers are involved in cotton cultivation and manufacture,
besides its export importance.
By studying area evolution, cultivated with cotton for the period (1950 -
2004), it reduces continuously. What are the causes and is it possible to treat with?
The research aims at making an economic evaluation for cotton production in Egypt
and to recognize the reasons of area reduction, also to find the suitable solutions.
This research deals with studying cotton production evolution in Egypt and
the world, also the relative importance, whereas the evolution of cultivated area,
productivity, total production and consumption in Egypt and the world for the period
(1950 - 2004) was clear. The research deals with calculating the effect of bio-tech
change and estimation of the relative transfer coefficient in need function (K) for extra
long staple cotton, long staple cotton and medium staple cotton for the periods (1980
- 1986) , (1987 - 1993) , (1994 - 2004), (1980 - 2004) which clarified the effect of
introducing the new varieties and the more effect was in the long staple cotton, next
the extra long staple cotton and the medium staple cotton and it was proposed to
abolish cultivation or to be promoted.
The research deals with the variety map of cotton production in Egypt for the
period (2002 - 2004) and the variety variation was clear, whereas variation analysis
was made between the productivity of extra long staple cotton and the long staple
cotton during the period (2000 - 2004). Net income, income on costs and income on
water unit for cotton, rice, corn, wheat and permanent clover was calculated and the
result was reduction of cost income in cotton and the comparison was made among
the productivity of these crops for the two periods (1985 - 1987), (2002 - 2004), it
increased 59%, 64% , 64% respectively, but for cotton it increased 7.09%, this was
due to cotton area reduction in the last years.
A field sample was taken from AI-Sharqia Governorate as it contains about
9.5% of the total cotton area in the republic and the two Centers, Abu Kebir and AI
Ibrahemya were selected and dealt with farmers opinions towards the problems they
face and the proposals to increase production in future and also dealt with crop
economics and the net income function for cotton production was estimated to show
the most important factors affecting on net income, besides estimation of production
functions and it was clear that production was still in its first stage.
Finally, the research deals with matrix of agricultural policies analysis for
cotton crop in the two periods (1982 - 1985), (2001 - 2004) and the nominal
protection coefficient for outputs, nominal protection coefficient for inputs effective
protection coefficient, relative advantage coefficient and local resources cost
coefficient were estimated.