Tomatoes crOp is one of the most important vegetables crop in Egypt ,
that due to the wide cultivated areas with tomatoes , which represent more
than 33% of the total area cultivated with vegetables in 2004‘ besides it is
one of the exporting creps that contribute to increase foreign currency in case
of developing tomatoes exports which estimated about 7.79 thousand tones
in the period average (1998 — 2004).
This research aims to studying the current productive situation of
tomatoes in Egypt, also the current position of the exports to the external
markets and their capacity ability as well as calculating the effective and
nominal protection coefficients, financial profitability for the farmers and the
The results indicated that the total production of tomatoes crop < /p>
increased from about 3.79 million tonnes in 1991 to 7.83 million tonnes in
2004 with statistic moral annual growth rate about 4.33% during the study
period (1991-2004) and the net feddan income increased from L.E 2549.9
during the first period (1991 — 1997) to L.E 3677.1 during the second period
average (1998-2004) with increase rate 44.2%, meanwhile the spent pound
profitability decreased from about L.E 1.25 in the first period to LE 1.17 in the
second period . The results also indicated that there are 15 countries obtain
the Egyptian tomatoes exports coming in the first, Saudi Arabia and Lebanon
which obtained 71.38%. 17.88% of total Egyptian tomatoes exports which
reached about 11.8 thousand tonnes in the first period meanwhile Saudi
Arabia obtained about 87.03% from the exported quantity in the second
period which was about 7.79 th0usand tonnes, next Kuwait with ratio 5.38%.
By calculating the system of policies analysis for tomatoes crop with
aim of measuring the protection of comparative advantage during the period
average (1998-2004) , the results showed that the nominal protection
coefficient of the crop reached about 0.5 . that means the tomatoes farmer in
Egypt bears taxes and consumer subsidy.
The nominal protection coefficient of production requisites reached
about 0.92, that indicates reducing the prices of production requisites offered
to tomatoes producers in Egypt than the world value and the effective
production coefficient was estimated by 0.46. This assures that the tomatoes
producer bears implicit taxes, so the indicator of local resources cost
reflected existence of comparative advantage for Egypt in tomatoes crop < /p>
production, as the value of this indicator is less than integral one (0.13) during
the mentioned period. This indicates that the tomatoes producers bear costs
of local resources less than one pound to generate incomes with value one
pound. The results also showed an increase of economic profitability for the
state than financial profitability for the farmer by 188.04%
Finally. the research suggests the following:
1- Recognition of tomatoes exports obstacles to the external markets
especially, the Arab countries such as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Arab
Emarates which can have capacity large quantities of the Egyptian
tomatoes and trying to overcome these obstacles.
2- Activating the role between the state and the private sector to enhance the
ability of tomatoes producers in the field of exporting for increasing their
incomes on condition that quality assurance and improving marketing
infrastructure, promoting trade between Egypt and the Arab states
whereas those producers receive prices less than the world prices.