There is no doubt that integration Achievement of the Arab
Agricultural Production is very Necessary required by the Present Economic
blocks, besides Arab food Shortage . for this, the Question is : is it possible to
redistribute the allocated area for the two crops, wheat and barely in the Arab
countries According to the Economic Specialization prlnclple and economic
productive Worthiness to Guarantee Increases of Economic Returns? .
The Research deals with recognition of the stctus quo for the area,
production and productivity of the crops and the results refer to clear variation
among the productive countries during the period (2000-2002). Some
methods of statistic analysis were implemented such as variatiqn analysis
and Dunkan method to compare productivity averages among these
countries. It was able to classify the productive countries according to their
productive worthiness into four productive regions for each crop: The first
region producing wheat includes only Egypt, the second one includes only
Saudi Arabia while the third includes Syria, Sudan and Lebanon, the Fourth
includes Yemen, Iraq, Jordan, Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria. The productive
regions for barely includes, Saudi Arabia in the first rank, the second includes
only Egypt while the third includes Jordan, Yemen, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Algeria
and Morocco, the fourth includes only Tunisia.
It was also able to apply the economic especialization principle
according to the relative advantages of inputs outputs and exchange rates. It
VIas clear that Egypt, Tunisia and Algeria can be specialized in wheat
production, while Syria and Jordan can be specialized in barely. This
especialization will lead to realize net economic return reaches 718.44 million
dollars compared in before especialization with about 38.6% of the wheat
imports value for the five mentioned countries.