Bardacoch crop is one of the most important medicinal and aromatic crops.
Its importance increases locally and internationally due to increase of its yield and
differentiate of its economic use compared to other traditional crops. Thus, this study
aimed to fetch productivity and export maximization reasons of that important crop ,
using some statistical analysis techniques beside some economic parameters .
The investigation indicates that lower Egypt governorates relatively did not
cultivate Bardacoch despite of the extended new land area that have suitable
environment and climatic conditions for production . An invested Egyptian pound in
Bardacoch production returns by about three. Thus, this crop is profitable for farmers.
Organic manure , foliar and phosphate fertilization are the most important factors in
chemical agriculture for Baraacoch production, as they indicate about 94% from total
variation in its unit production. While, phosphoric fertilizer, seed quantity and human
labor are the most important factors affecting its productivity in organic agriculture as it
indicate about 99% from total variation in feddan productivity.
Also, it is obvious number of international markets to which Egyptian
Bardacoch is exported are few , and the important places are Germany , Turkey,
Poland and Netherlands . The exports are condensed in a high scale during the
period from June to December. The important economics factors affecting exports of
Egyptian Bardacoch leaves are farm price, export price and ratio of Bardacoch export
price to mint export price . These factors indicate about 72% from total variations of
feddan production.
The study recommends the increase of Bardacoch area in lower Egypt and
the importance of geographical distribution for planted areas equilibrium with
productivity of these areas . Also , taking care of effective factors on uni: productivity
by implementing production policy aims to achieve these factors by suitable prices in
addition to enhance producer knowledge of importance of these factors to avoid
reducing its production and economic efficiency at using . This may duplicate quality
efficiency of planted Bardacoch crop and duplicate the chance of Egypt by its relative
advantage of production . This will lead to create good world demand and increase
the export opportunity.