This study aims to draw the criteria of efficiency of production and economic systems of the poultry production sector in the rural province of Fayoum way analysis of envelope data according to the methodology of Farrell (1957) methodology, a specific non-standard border The Deterministic Non-Parametric Approach and sports programming method used to reach the standards of competencies. The use of cost data in the cost of food and other costs (the costs of medicines, the costs of mattress, the cost of water and electricity, the price of chickens, the cost of family employment) kidneys inputs, and total income for the Output whiting and chicken fattening per bird. The study found:
First: the results of the use of cost data and revenue for the production of eggs / hen for the traditional education system and without the acquisition of agricultural and between centers and villages of the Fayoum Governorate, a way-coated DEA data
- The results of the analysis of efficiency of the system of production of eggs / hen for the traditional (Traditional Poultry Production Systems), and without the acquisition of agricultural land (Landless Poultry Production Systems) systems that is fully efficient in terms of return on the fixed capacity or variable dividend capacity and economies of scale fixed, and there is no surplus increases in the use of inputs (nutrition - other expenses), and the potential for increased production in these inputs.
- The change in the productivity of all factors, Total factor productivity change (tfpch) of chickens in the whiteness of the traditional system of 1022 and thus the rate of productivity growth, technological Productivity Growth 2.2% in the traditional education system, while in the education system without possession of a lack of much change in the productivity of all the factors the rate of - 0.2%.
- That the most efficient stations in the province of Fayoum in the production of eggs / hen are Fayoum, Elsdiek is the efficiency of fully understanding both in terms of revenue capacity of a fixed or variable dividend capacity and the economics of fixed size, as there is no surplus of any increases in the use of inputs (nutrition - other expenses) and the potential for increased production in these inputs.
- The rate of productivity growth, technological Productivity Growth for the production of eggs / chicken 65.6%, 14%, 7.5% for each of the Center Tamia, Senores, Atsah, respectively, in the positive direction, increasing, while at the center of the Fayoum, Yousef El-Sdiek much a lack of change all the factors in the productivity rate - 14.9% - 22.7%, respectively.
- That the most efficient Fayoum villages in the production of eggs / hen is the angle Kerdasa-Corner, Kafr Mahfouz, Batn-haried understanding is efficient both in terms of total revenue capacity of a fixed or variable dividend capacity and the economics of fixed size, as there is no surplus of any increases in the use of inputs (nutrition - expenses other) and the potential for increased production in these inputs.
- The villages, El-Azab, Senhor-Elkiblia, Gordo efficient full capacity depending on the dividend variable is in the process of decreasing the size of economies drs for each of the El-Azab, Senhor-Elkiblia, Gordo village, while in the process of increasing the size of the economy irs.
- The rate of productivity growth, technological Productivity Growth for the production of egg / hen was 76.5%, 51.6%, 49.3%, 30.9%, 21.5%, 19'2%, 14% each from the village of Bandar-Tamia, Kafr Mahfouz, Senhor-Elkiblia, Abu-denkash, Gordo, El-Kaby, El-Gafra, respectively, in the growing positive trend, while in the village, the point of view El-Azab Kerdasa-Corner, Qasr El-Gabali, Batn-haried, Abu-Kesah with the lack of clothing in the change in the productivity of all factors, the rate of - 4% - 15.3% - 18.9% - 26.7% - 37.8%, respectively.
Second: the results of the use of cost data and revenue for the production of the bird / fattening of the traditional education system and without Agricultural holdings and the townships and villages in the province of Fayoum, a way of data-coated DEA: --
- That the most efficient system for the production of the bird / fattening is without Landless agricultural holdings in that it is very efficient both in terms of revenue capacity of a fixed or variable dividend capacity and the economics of fixed size, as there is no surplus of any increases in the use of inputs (nutrition - other expenses), nor the possibility to increase production in these inputs.
- Traditional, while the traditional system is evident in the lack of economic efficiency in the revenue capacity of a firm with a 64.4% or that the lack of efficiency of 35.6% that there is any opportunity to increase the economic efficiency of the traditional system of Traditional as it is the largest economies in the process of increasing the size of irs .
- The change in the productivity of all factors, Total factor productivity change (tfpch) in the system of traditional education (Traditional) 1.023 and therefore the rate of productivity growth, technological Productivity Growth 2,3%, while in the education system without the acquisition of agricultural (Landless) is also much increased and the rate of technology to productivity growth rate 0.2% less than the traditional education system, the rate of 2.1%.
- That the most efficient center for the production of the bird / fattening Ebshawi It is a full economic efficiency, both in terms of revenue capacity of a fixed or variable dividend capacity and the economics of fixed size, as there is no surplus of any increases in the use of inputs (nutrition - other expenses), nor the possibility to increase production in the these inputs.
- The Center Senores, economic efficiency is Atsah full capacity depending on the return variable is in the process of increasing the size of the economy irs.
- The rate of productivity growth, technological Productivity Growth for the production of the bird / fattening was 9.6%, 2.9% for both Tamia, Atsah respectively in the positive direction, increasing, while at the center of Ebshawi, Fayoum, Senores much a lack of change in the rate of productivity of all factors - 0.5% - 5%, 15.2%.
- That the most efficient El-Kaby village it is economically efficient, both in terms of total revenue capacity of a fixed or variable dividend capacity and the economics of fixed size, as there is no surplus of any increases in the use of inputs (nutrition - other expenses) and the potential for increased production in these inputs.
- The villages of Bandar-Tamia, Abu-denkash, Abu-Kesah, economic efficiency is Gordo full capacity depending on the return variable is in the process of decreasing the size of the economy of each of the drs Abu-Denkash, Abu-Kesah, Gordo, while the village Gordo in the growing economies of the size of irs.
- The rate of productivity growth, technological Productivity Growth for the production of the bird / fattening was 65.9%, 31.5%, 23.1%, 20.5%, 13.8%, 9.4% for each village El-Gafra, Kafr Mahfouz, Qasr El-Gabali, Abu-denkash, Kerdasa-Corner angle, Senhor-Elkiblia tribal, respectively, in the growing positive trend, while in the village of Bandar-Tamia, Batn-Haried, Abu-Kesah, El-Kaby, Azab, Gordo much a lack of change in the productivity of all factors, the rate of - 4.6%, -- 13.6% - 16.7% - 19.8% - 22.4%, 23.5%, respectively.