The objective of this research is to estimate the production function between value of green and non-green fodder. It also aims at extraction of major statistical indicators related to value of marginal production and production elasticity of independent variables of the function as well as estimation of Substitution Relationship between expenditure on green and non-green fodder. Plus, capacity analysis of farm animals' production in Egypt as well as in the New Valley governorate. This is basically done with the aim of crystallizing some major statistical indicators from the one hand and studying red meat production economic efficiency, on the other in the New Valley. Also, estimation of MRTS of fodder in the case of read meat in the New Valley was targeted as well. This procedure was done with the aim of maximizing return and minimizing cost to drag the legs of investors into this activity.
Findings say that value of marginal production of green fodder reached about 1.04 monetary unit. Concentrates / straw ratio reached about 3.25 and 8.92 monetary unit respectively. As for MRTS between green and non-green fodder it shows a relationship of substitution nature as shown in the positive marginal production value. Marginal rate of replacement between green and non-green fodder is estimated at 0.28 during the period of this study.
Findings show a significant upward trend for census cows, buffaloes, sheep and goats in Egypt reached about 105.40, 89.74, 82.54 and 4.11 thousand heads a year respectively. Cows and buffaloes were the highest with respect to comparative importance in this governorate. There is also a significant upward trend for cows as their census reached about 16.39 thousand heads a year.
Net return of fattening calves in the New Valley reached about L.E 0.96, 2.18, 1065 and 1.60 thousands. Return on each L.E invested reached about L.E 0.11, 0.25, 0.19 and 0.19 thousands respectively. This indicates high economic efficiency in second and third holding categories.
Findings of quantitative analysis of production and cost functions show that optimum weight reached about 423.481, 453 and 460 kg. Respectively. Meanwhile, profit maximizing weight for the three categories and total sample were about 404, 464, 5.3and 533 kg. Respectively.
Findings also say that MRTS (x1X3) for green and dry fodder equal about 5.000, and 4.45 from MRTS(x1x2) of the three categories and total sample respectively. Also, MRTS (X1 X3) equal about 0.88, 3.96, 3.65 and 4.05 of MRTS between dry and concentrates for the three categories and total sample respectively.