Organic farming must be seen as a process of learning and adaptation, which results in meeting household objectives, for sustainable and adequate food production, increasing environmental resilience and social capacity. In general, organic agriculture activity in Egypt is growing very fast due to the public awareness as well as to the increasing demands for organic food and fibers on both local and export markets. The number of farms reached more than 300, with a total acreage of more than 10 000 feddans (4167 hectares). This paper discusses the experience of organic farming in Menofia governorate. The results reveal that net profit per feddan for conventional farming is higher than organic farming for all investigated crops (nili potatoes, dry beans, nili peas and summer tomatoes), the situation that might slower the adoption of organic in Menofia governorate. Lacks of proper marketing and market information, lower yields and higher production costs are presumably the main factors affected organic products net profitability.